Parts Work Worksheets


This worksheet is designed to help guide you in continuing to work with your parts as we embark on this healing journey.


This worksheet is designed to help guide you in continuing to work with your parts as we embark on this healing journey.

There are many multiplicity models, and within the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model it is accepted that every part has a good intention, and every part has value, even when we don’t like how it operates.

In this coaching model, we develop an attitude of curiosity to discover both the positive protection intentions and learn why certain parts may have extreme roles and where their beliefs have come from.

Before any disruptive behaviors can be healed and transformed, we begin with these steps to first differentiate the various parts from the Self. As we learn more about each part, we discover what has happened to cause the separation between the part and Self.

Self has been thought of as the Soul, Higher Self, Atman, and many other spiritual and psychological traditions have applied their own understanding of Self. What is important is that you are able to recognize your Self from your parts.

Self is often recognized as having several qualities including the 8 C’s: Curiosity, Calm, Creativity, Courage, Compassion, Confidence, Connectedness, Clarity. Self cannot be damaged and is not burdened. We are always looking to access more Self when working through this process with parts because it is Self that creates the most healing for parts and long-term transformation. Read more on this here.



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