Virtual Hypnosis Sessions

Remote Session

In the world of technology that we live in today, we have access to a much broader selection of products and services than ever before. We have instant information at the tip of our fingertips through our many internet-connected devices. This way of life offers us many benefits, especially with the cautions being taken with COVID these days. 

This brings me to virtual hypnosis sessions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that have come up with clients to offer some insight if you’re wondering how it might work:

Q. What is virtual hypnotherapy?
A. Virtual hypnotherapy is simply hypnotherapy that is done through Zoom or via any remote tool like Zoom, in order for the hypnotherapist to meet with a client. Other than the drive over, the same structured approach is taken to the session as it would be in office. Online hypnotherapy is safe, convenient, and private as I use a privately encrypted connection. 

Q. What are some of the benefits of virtual hypnotherapy?

A. Since you are eliminating travel time you are saving time and money which often makes scheduling these sessions much more accessible. 
Hypnosis From Home


Q. How do I know if it will work?

A. Virtual hypnotherapy is as effective, if not more so for some clients, as in-office sessions. The key to all successful hypnosis session is a collaborative partnership between the hypnotherapist and client. As with anything, it is important that you feel comfortable with the hypnotherapist you’re going to work with. It is for this reason, I offer a free clarity call which gives us the opportunity to meet and see if this is a good fit for you and if we will work well together. If you are motivated for change and determined to succeed, virtual hypnotherapy can help you get from where you are to where you want to be… all while in the comfort of your jammies at home!

Q. Do I need any special equipment or apps for virtual hypnotherapy?
A. For virtual hypnotherapy to work best you want to make sure you have a quiet and comfortable place in your home that is private. Your ability to relax and feel comfortable is key. So if you have a family that lives with you make sure they are on board to give you the support you need and time so as not to be interrupted.

When you book on my website you will automatically receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link. Zoom is a virtual meeting application that offers a safe, private, and convenient way for us to meet for our virtual sessions. If you do not already have Zoom downloaded on your device that is okay also. You do NOT need to download Zoom, you only need to have a reliable internet connection to access the link that will open up our secure and private Zoom meeting.


    • Reliable internet connection 
    • Laptop, PC, or any device with good sound and camera
    • A quiet comfortable place where you will be without interruption
    • Headphones are strongly recommended and will allow you to be fully immersed during hypnosis
    • Remember to turn off notifications on your devices and phones


      A few additional tips that I’ve learned along the way to help you make your chosen space more inviting and comfortable for this session:


    • Lighting Check – Natural lighting or ambient lighting with enough lighting to see each other via Zoom. Florescent lighting typically does not work well. 
    • Temperature Check – Does your chosen space run cold or hot? The goal is to be comfortable so make sure you have a throw blanket nearby or a fan that won’t distract you during your session.
    • Pets – We all love our furry (or perhaps scaly) friends. Yet, for your session, you should consider these as any other members of the household. No distractions mean a better session for you. 
Hypnosis Virtual Sessions

I want the best possible experience for your session and so I make sure to offer a free clarity call to ensure this is a good fit for you. We can do a trial run with Zoom and make sure you are set up for success.

I’m so passionate about what I do and can tell you how rewarding it is to see the transformation in my clients as we work together, both online and in the office. 

If you are ready to learn more, go to my calendar and set up a free 30-minute clarity call to meet with me via Zoom and find out if this is right for you.