What is Strategic Intervention Coaching?

Strategic Intervention (or also known as SI) is a project dedicated to extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, strategic family therapy, Human Needs Psychology, organizational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence, strategic studies, traditions of diplomacy and negotiation, game theory, and others.

Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha and Magali Peysha are the founders of Strategic Intervention Coaching. They have been powerfully influenced by the great insights and works of Victor Frankl and Milton Erickson’s creative breakthroughs in human intervention. Strategic Intervention exists wherever human beings use extraordinary skills to bring about positive personal and cultural change. Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi are examples of masterful Strategic Interventionists.

What is the goal of Strategic Intervention Coaching?

What distinguishes SI from other strategic studies is the belief that certain holistic solutions “snap into place” when more people’s needs are met, expressed, and elevated. These solutions actually deliver more benefit for less effort. 

The goal of Strategic Intervention is to integrate the core insights of the traditions into a method of practical strategic action. SI encompasses strategies that span from the belief systems and emotional patterns within an individual, to individual relationships, to group dynamics, to organizational and cultural interventions. A trained SI coach navigates these different arenas with ease.

Strategic Intervention Coaching brings a system of change that empowers the client to take action daily in their life. It is through real actions, taught as SI Strategies by their coach, that a client creates the real and lasting change they desire. Strategic Intervention believes that all people have the potential to overcome the negative patterns and beliefs which keep them from thriving and reaching their goals.

What can you expect to improve in your life as you work with your Certified SI Coach?

You can expect to gain clarity, action, and progress towards the goals you want to achieve. You will learn about yourself and how to be more effective with the key people in your life. Insights often include: how to rebuild a difficult relationship, how to become more inspired about your career, how to plan for effective action. Most clients discover areas of opportunity, freeing up energy and initiative, and more insight and harmony with those they care about.

How is SI Coaching different from other types of Life Coaching?

A Certified Strategic Coach has gone through intensive study and training in strategies to handle the whole range of human needs and life challenges. Most life coaching training focus on one type of result such as: goals, beliefs, or steps while SI helps address the wide range of human potential and obstacles. Strategic Interventionists are trained to identify every type of obstacle that may be holding a client back (such as their internal beliefs, their communication patterns, their relationships, their life stages) and prescribe practical strategies to crate results in each of these areas.

SI Coaches provide practical frameworks for the client to understand their options, and then offers them strategies and actions for bringing about the changes they want. Where some traditional life coaching methods focus on “the client discovering their own solutions,” Strategic Intervention Coaches help clients take practical action to transform their experience of life. SI encompasses goal setting, communication skill building, relationship work, high performance, relationships, safe problems, and expands their ability to think creatively, see potential in every part of life, expand and deepen all their relationships, and overcome the fears which have limited their joy and progress.

Strategic Intervention Coaching
How is SI Coaching different than therapy?

Psychotherapy and counseling generally work within a medical framework: identifying and diagnosing dysfunctions and prescribing treatment. SI Coaching starts with you, now, and how to take practical steps to make progress towards the goals, relationships, and experience you want. Strategic Intervention begins with the belief that the solutions that the client wants are available to them right now, and greater well-being and happiness comes from the ability to take smart actions in life. SI Coaching is not meant to replace psychotherapy – it is a practical approach to supporting clients in the decisions and actions that will support their goals and fulfillment in life.

What to expect from your Strategic Interventionist Coach

Your SI Coach will usually begin by learning all about you – your desired results as well as your highest priorities and closest relationships. By truly understanding your world, your coach will be an effective advocate for the results, relationships, and life that you desire. You will find that this system of coaching is a very customized experience. You will be heard, understood, and supported, and you’ll be presented with a unique perspective and a series of strategies to improve your life. Clients gain a greater ability to see the “big picture” of their life, find and improve key relationships, take daily actions that increase their joy, and stop the patterns of fear and resistance that hold them back from living a full life. 

If you have been thinking about making changes in your life then I encourage you to go onto my calendar right now and schedule a Clarity Session. This time is free to you, offering 30 minutes to discuss your questions, areas of interest, and see if hypnosis is a good option for you. 

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