Deep Alchemy™ Theta Programs

Deep Alchemy™ Theta Programs combine some of the most powerful subconscious change tools available with the Magnesphere to support deep cellular level change supporting a greater state of optimal health and wellness.


Deep Alchemy™ Theta Programs are customized to your needs and can include:

Deep Alchemy™ Theta Programs

We begin by retraining your brain and body to release unnecessary stress and anxiety through combining clinical hypnotherapy and magnetic resonance therapy.

Brainwave Entrainment is used to help enhance your deep inner mind’s ability to get into a trance state, producing a consistent flow theta brainwaves. Theta brainwaves are correlated with insight, intuition, lucid dreaming, inspiration, motivation, memories, superior capacity to learn, and taps into the deeper subconscious part of the mind.

Neuro-coaching unique style of brain-based coaching which includes neurolinguistics programming, mindfulness, strategic intervention coaching, and emotional intelligence practices. helping you to learn how to boost willpower, motivation, focus, memory, emotional stability, creativity, and ability to learn.

Deep Alchemy™ Theta Programs

More on the benefits of Theta State

Healing for the Body

If you are feeling burnout, run down, trying to recover from an illness, or post physical exertion, as you go into a deep level of relaxation the body and mind can easily restore and rejuvenate. Both the Magnesphere and this particular brainwave state help to balance your autonomic nervous system (ANS). *See image above.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

As Theta state promotes deep mental and physical relaxation, it regulates your cortisol levels within your body (stress hormones), which in turn lowers heightened stress and anxiety levels, and may also prevent stress related weight gain produced by excess cortisol. 

Deep relaxation

Our brain goes into theta during sleep, a deep meditation, in hypnosis and is very common with children 0-7 years old. The relaxed effects of being in theta can have an impact for days after.

Boost Immune System

If our bodies produce too much of a surplus of stress chemicals like adrenaline, it can have a negative impact on our immune system.  As theta puts us into a state of relaxation it releases the happy feel good hormones and neurotransmitters that can assist in building the immune system back up to optimum.

Connects you to your subconscious mind

Theta allows you to connect with the unconscious parts of your mind. This part of your mind governs autonomic body functions, as well as your emotions, imagination, memory, intuitions and habits. Finding it easier to access and address thought processes that are arising from your subconscious, to your conscious mind. We address both body and mind during these sessions and utilize this profoundly relaxing and deeply natural state to help reprogramming empowering thoughts that shift behavior patterns.


Theta actually activates the right hemisphere of your brain, which is your creative side. This can help to renew your creative drive to write music, create art, inspire new ideas, and allow your most innovative self to prosper. Many inventors, artists, musicians, creatives, and successful entrepreneurs practice Theta activation on a regular basis to tap into their natural flow of creativity.

Problem Solving & Learning

Accessing theta can help you to bypass mental blocks and get you into the flow. This flow theta state moves you into new levels of thought and perception, helping you to approach problems more effectively. In addition, it enhances your ability to focus better, becoming more motivated to execute solutions. It is said that when your brain goes into theta you are able to retain 300% more information than waking conscious state (beta). For this reason, there are high dollar programs that teach this very skill and how to utilize theta state to learn large amounts of information fast. This is due to the fact that while in theta state, you have access to program your subconscious. The subconscious writes deeply, embedding information that will be fed later to the conscious mind as a memory. 

More on the Magnesphere

The Magnesphere system, is an electromagnetic resonance therapy system. This is the only device that allows whole body immersion. With over 40+ patents and over one hundred protocols, this low level electromagnetic fields (EMF) helps “enhance feelings of relaxation” that help to alleviate symptomology related to over 75 conditions.

This technology involves no drugs, no surgery, and no pain.



October 10-13 * Limited Space