Nina Saurer Logo Watermark

What would you create in your life today if you knew it were possible?

More freedom Intimacy More self-esteem More confidence More energy Time to explore Grow your business Live happier Live with purpose Improve health Enjoy my family Live my passion More laughter FInancial abundance


A blend of hypnosis + life coaching helps to empower you to gain clarity, rewire your brain, break cycles, and become the author of your own story to live the version of life you have always wanted to live.

Clinical + Transpersonal Hypnosis

For people struggling with fears, addictive behaviors, weight management, stress management, creativity blocks, limiting beliefs, sleep deprivation, IBS, pain management, suppressed immune system, and so much more!

Online Courses

Coming soon!

Why is Hypno-Coaching so effective?

Numerous cognitive neuroscientists have conducted studies that have revealed that only 5% of our cognitive activities (decisions, emotions, actions, and behaviors) are conducted from the conscious part of our mind. This means that 95% of our life is lived from our non-conscious mind.


My Hypno-Coaching program helps high achievers reach their next level by rewiring them for success.

You dare to dream big, live wholeheartedly, and reach your limitless potential but find self-sabotage, fear, and self-doubt creep in. You know it’s happening but don’t know how to break free from the cycle you are in.

I specialize in subconscious "Search + Rescue" missions

I will help you to identify and uproot the limiting beliefs holding you back and help you dismantle the unconscious thought patterns that produce unwanted behaviors. 

You are a powerful creator with the capacity to create your own reality.

Are you ready to take greater control over your beliefs and thoughts so you can start creating the life you want to live?



Nina Saurer HypnoCoach

Ready to take the next step?

If you’re serious about making changes in your life and you know you want to take the next step then get on my calendar now and schedule a complimentary clarity session. 

This time is designed to offer you the clarity you might need around:
1 – Your goal(s) and where to begin
2 – If this program is a good fit for you
3 – The process and tools that will best suite your goal(s) and needs  

About Nina

Nina Saurer CCHT CTHT

Hello, my fellow adventurers!

My name is Nina and I’m a certified Clinical  Hypnotherapist and Hypno-Coach. I’m here to help you get “unstuck” and create a life that feels more aligned with the vision you have for your future.

I have specialized training in transpersonal studies, energy healing, breathwork, neurolinguistics programming for subconscious mindset techniques, and strategic intervention coaching. 

Throughout my career, I have dedicated over 10 years invested in helping companies build better teams and leaders, and empowering individuals in their lives.

I made a decision to follow my passion back in 2019 and chose to leave the corporate scene behind and follow a less-traveled path, I choose you, my friend.

My desire is to help you create a life that until now you have only dreamed about. I will teach you all of the tools and techniques I know and help you “Break Free, Transform, and Go Beyond” your current limits to the life of your dreams.


What people are saying...

Thank you for helping me to get free from my limiting beliefs. As a result I did get that promotion at work, and I feel more confident in myself and my abilities. The work we did has greatly impacted my relationships both at work and in my personal life.
Software Developer
As a client, I feel grateful that I have Nina to assist me on my journey. She has knowledge and wisdom gained from her own experiences that have helped me see different perspectives and deeper understandings. I feel empowered and at the same time vulnerable to a greater awareness that Nina offers in her sessions.
Transformational Life Coach
These sessions have helped a lot and I can already see a development in how I feel when I'm in public and I feel more comfortable in school. Thank you so much again for helping me with this. I really appreciate it.
Middle school student
My hypnotherapy session with Nina was extremely eye opening. Her talent to guide someone through prophetic healing and hold space for the integration is beyond words. I'm truly grateful to her and for the experience.
life Path coach + energy healer
I am so grateful for what I was able to uncover about myself. We were able to get to the issue quickly and after only a couple months I feel like my life is forever changed. If you're ready to make big changes Nina will offer you a place to feel held and supported while helping you become empowered and free!! Thank you!
I've had a problem sleeping for several years now and have tried lots of things to fall asleep and stay asleep. I decided to try something new and reached out to Nina to see if hypnosis could help me sleep better. After the first session I started to fall asleep quicker but it was after the third session that I helped me get to the bottom of the issue. I don't think I would have linked this on my own and I am grateful I took the chance to try this!
"My relationship with myself has changed from mostly self-sabotaging to devotedly supportive since working with Nina. In other words, my whole attitude towards life has changed for the better. I realized early on that I felt comfortable trusting Nina... she helped me work through with the utmost dignity and respect. Nina's gentle yet thorough approach helped illuminate some of my deepest wounds in a way that made me feel truly seen and empowered. Her unrivaled skillset and refreshing passion are both of the highest caliber. As an experienced client of many forms of therapy, and being a therapist myself, I recommend Nina's services with highest regard."
Nina has helped me to understand and communicate with the subconscious part of my mind that limit my personal and professional interactions. This introspection has created an awareness that I now use when interacting with people; allowing me to push past my uncomfortable feelings and be a truer version of myself. It's not easy making these types of intrapersonal changes; it requires open-mindedness and action on my part. Nina has helped me make these changes through compassion and her knowledge of the human psyche.
P.e.t. Research + development technician

Hypnosis, coaching and other services offered through and by Nina Saurer are intended to help create change in the client through the conscious and subconscious space. These services are not meant in any way as a substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment. The services provided are non-therapeutic and should not be considered a substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. If you have a diagnosis for pain, mental or physical conditions please obtain a referral from a licensed physician and/or mental health professional. Furthermore, Nina Saurer makes no expressed or implied guarantees regarding results. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and results are achieved through each clients personal effort by applying the techniques and must take personal responsibility for the desired outcome.