Hypnotherapy & Coaching for Individuals, couples & Groups

Utitlizing the power of the mind-body continuum to reshape neural pathways to affect positive powerful neural and physiological changes.

Nina Saurer, CCht
Subconscious Change Expert In N.E. Ohio

Nina Saurer is Certified Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach. Nina works with clients on a variety of issues from clinical, emotional, and spiritual.

As a subconscious change expert, she specializes in helping her clients make powerful lasting change from a subconscious level, empowering clients to create the life they most desire.

Areas Of Expertise

With over 10 years combined experience serving individuals in reaching their personal and professional goals and helping to shape organizations in building successful teams and leaders.

Nina uses tools within her practice have been refined and synthesized over many years through her mentors on down to her and result in highly effective methods for powerful positive change.

Nina’s focus of practice includes:

Featured Articles

Creating a Daily Meditation Practice

Before I started my daily meditation practice I procrastinated for years about doing it. I didn’t know how, didn’t have time, and more importantly had no idea how it would benefit my life!  I can teach you how to meditate in a very short amount of time and help you to start experiencing the life

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