Author: ndsaurer

Hi, I’m Nina, and I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Strategy Coach. I’m here to help you get “unstuck” and create a life that feels more aligned with the vision you have for your future.

Don’t Wait Until You Feel Ready

don't wait until you feel ready

How long have you been waiting to begin pursuing your goal or dream? Most people are stuck in a perpetual practice of waiting. Perhaps you have been holding off for the exact perfect moment when you’ll feel ready to finally pull the trigger and get started. This is a huge mistake. The perfect time is right now. Time […]

Do You Have a Fear of Success?


Many people relate to having a fear of failure yet plenty of my clients I have worked with have just as much fear of success. It may sound funny, but many people fear success and don’t realize it.   Regardless of your personal definition, take a moment to consider for a moment what you believe […]

Abundance Mindset More Than Money


Abundance Mindset Is About More Than Money Some people equate financial success with abundance. Having enough money is a significant part of abundance, but there’s SO much more to it. Abundance is a mindset and a belief system. It’s a way of viewing the world, the people in it, and especially yourself. It is about […]

6 Human Needs

Everyone experiences the same six human needs, yet we all find different ways to satisfy these needs. We meet these needs in positive and constructive ways or negative and destructive ways.

We must learn to understand that these needs are not goals or desires but the basic human needs behind every choice, belief, and action we make. These are such an innate part of who we are that we must make time to study and understand them better. Once we know what and why we can begin to choose better on how we meet these needs, we have a greater opportunity to understand why life is how it is and, more importantly, how to facilitate change life.

The Universe Is Providing At All Times

The Universe Is Providing At All Times

The universe is always providing for us. Whether we recognize the provision or not is another story. If you are struggling to receive or understand your current situation, you might consider these three suggestions:  1. Ask for what it is you want. We often think we have communicated what we want or need yet if you find […]