Category: Virtual Hypnosis

The How & Why Of Hacking Your Vagus Nerve

The How & Why Of Hacking Your Vagus Nerve

First you may ask, “What exactly is the vagus nerve?” The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of all the cranial nerves. It runs from the brain through the face, the thorax, into the abdomen, and down to the colon. Vagus (meaning wandering, in Latin) nerve got it’s name because it wanders about […]

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression

What is Past Life Regression Therapy? Past Life Regression Therapy is a gentle yet powerful form of hypnotherapy that enables you to access memories and experiences that are normally hidden in your subconscious mind. If your worldview is open to see these previous incarnations then this therapy can be very beneficial to you. Many clients show […]

More About Hypnotic Regression

Hypnotic Age Regression

Our minds are extremely efficient at automatically filtering out certain experiences of “normal” memory. Hypnotic regression is a process by which I help clients enter into a trance to be able to recall material from the deep inner mind that would be otherwise unavailable to access to the conscious mind. Regression should be done by […]



October 10-13 * Limited Space